Frequently asked Questions

FAQs frequently asked questions


When was IDIA College established?

IDIA College was first established in May 2012 at Valley of Hope Centre in Siaya and was duly registered by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science & Technology (Reg. No. MOHEST /PC/1857/012) . The College has since inception produced graduates who continue to transform society in different capacities.

Where is IDIA College located?

The College is currently ocated at Nkoroi North Road, off Magadi road, Taifa Court, TC-12, Ongata Rongai Nairobi, Kenya. If one is coming from Nairobi City, one will pass Rongai Township  The most prominent indicator for leaving Rongai is a significant terrain descent after Exciting Hotel .

The following land marks that one would use for navigation:

  • PetroCity Rongai Service Station
  • Advent Hill school (on you left side)
  • The SGR Railway
  • Maxwell Adventist Academy
  • Arap Moi Primary School
  • The Smith Hotel

Upon approaching the main landmark which is The Smith Hotel on your right side. This junction is commonly referred to as the “Nkoroi” or “Kanisani“. Once you make the right turn, proceed for about 550metres and watch out for a sign post named “Taifa Court” to your left. This should come just after a row of shops and commercial establishments.

What courses are offered at IDIA college?

IDIA College offers a range of courses both at Diploma and Certificate levels. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Public Health
  2. Community Health
  3. Health Service Support
  4. Social Work
  5. Project Management
  6. Certified Health Care Assistant
  7. Medical Laboratory

We also offer the following services:

  • Research Support and Youth Mentorship Services
  • Data management
  • Capacity Building
  • Short Term & Executive Training
  • Consultancy & Advisory Services

How are IDIA courses delivered?

The college applies innovative methods of teaching involving a combination of lectures and other interactive education methods such as group work, case studies, problem –solving techniques and seminars. Broadly, the IDIA teaching and learning approach involves the use of the following:

  • Face-to-face class-based teaching;
  • Distance learning/virtual learning techniques;
  • Evidence based techniques;
  • Problem-solving techniques;
  • Participatory and hands on service-oriented learning methodologies;
  • Case studies;
  • Professional coaching, guidance and support;
  • Workshops, seminars and colloquia among others;
  • Field visits; and
  • Individual self-directed learning techniques;
  • Value based learning techniques.

What makes IDIA’s approach to education unique?

Our modules are integrated with Learning Through Service (LTS) practice, Value based Learning (VBL) and Evidence based Learning (EBL) that should allow students to explore in depth one or more spheres of particular relevance to their career goals.

What are the entry requirements to undertake certificate courses?

For certificate courses that IDIA offers, the entry requirements are a KCSE certificate with minimum D+. For other details on course minimum requirements, visit

What are the entry requirements to undertake diploma courses?

  • Kenya Certificate of secondary Education (KCSE) with an average grade of C or “A” level certificate with at least one principal and two subsidiaries; 
  • Passes or Equivalent qualifications as determined by IDIA Academic board
  • A certificate or craft qualification from a recognized institution
  • IDIA Certificate or its equivalent

How long do the courses take?

Diploma courses take on average two years (4 semesters) of intensive learning that incorporates both theory and practice. Certificate courses typically take one and a half (1½) years (2-3 Semesters).

Which accreditation bodies is IDIA College affiliated to?

IDIA courses are accredited by numerous accrediting bodies including PHOTC and TVETA.

What are some of the careers that IDIA courses expose one to?

Our courses prepare one for a range of careers in public health, environmental health, social work, public administration, community development, private enterprise among others. Our world class graduates stand the opportunity to serve in the public sector, civil society and private sector both in Kenya, Africa and beyond.

Are there boarding facilities for students who live outside Kajiado County?

IDIA does offer students  accommodation Kshs 12,000 per semester & Meals not offered, but with kshs 4,000 per month ,one could source meals from vendors around. For inquiries get in contact with us. There are also several boarding facilities that students can rent (at their own cost) in Rongai and its environs

Does IDIA college offer online learning?

We are currently in the process of setting up our e- learning platform which will conform to the highest standards of online education in line with our vision of making our services available beyond the classroom walls to the global stage. Our tailor-made courses will prepare our students to not only be effective professionals in the field but will impart in them the values espoused by IDIA that will promote ethical leadership in all spheres of life.

What are the intake periods for IDIA college?

There are three intake periods at IDIA College of Technology and Development Studies. These are January, May and September intakes.

What are the modes of study for IDIA college?

Regular (fulltime) & Part time (Evening & Weekends) and Hybrid(physical and online)

Where can application forms be obtained?

Application forms are available at our offices on IDIA Citadel Campus, Nkoroi North Road, off Magadi road, Taifa Court, TC-12, Ongata Rongai Nairobi, Kenya. However, you can still apply or download the forms from our website at

The International Development Institute –Africa

TC-12, Nkoroi North Road, off Magadi road, Taifa Court, Ongata Rongai,  Nairobi, Kenya 

P.O. Box 4077 00506 Nairobi

Contact: +254-705-985-418 | +254-729-925416 | +254-722-688080;
